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We're so happy to see you.

First things first: let's get acquainted. Register as a Customer so we know where to send your goods. This will give you access to memberships and individual products. 

If you are not interested in a membership (memberships are NOT required to shop the online store), please join our weekly email list where you can purchase local produce, meats, bread, eggs and milk for pickup at Good Mama Farm or for delivery.

Why choose a membership? 

1. Priority - our members are first on the list when we are harvesting. If we're running low on something, members are the first to get it.

2. Convenience - members get produce delivered to their homes or to a convenient pickup location each week.

3. Set prices - An entire season of produce for one set price. 

4. Support for local business: reduce food transportation miles, support the local economy and get higher quality products.

Check out the chart below to choose your membership

Still have questions? No problem. Give us a shout at